In the Linguistics Office, the job responsibility that I job-share with my friend, Joyce, we are getting caught up on emails. We’ve had some requests for old documents (pre-computer era) from folks doing masters or doctoral linguistic studies. These particular documents we only happened to have on paper in our Linguistics Library or in our archive room, so we had to hunt them down, see if we had them, if the authors had given permission for them to be given out, that sort of thing. I’m glad to have Joyce to use as a second set of eyes, when crafting emails to other folks, so that I make sure they sound nice J
I’ve also been starting to menu plan for the June module of VITAL. Our meals there mainly consist of rice served with some type of soup/stew/meat topping, root vegetables (sweet potatoes, taro, yams) boiled in coconut milk, cooked greens, and some fruit. This framework is fairly set, so mostly I just decide on the soup/stew/meat dish for each day. I’m so glad that I discovered dehydrating before the last (February) module, as that gives us more and cheaper options for ingredients for the dishes! I plan to dehydrate again for this module, so hope to get the menu worked out enough to be able to get a start on it next week.